Tips to lose weight with healthy fats!


3. Eat an avocado more often. Like fatty fish, an avocado also contains healthy fats, such as omega 3. The fruit gives you a feeling of fullness and is good for your blood sugar.
4. Take nuts and seeds as a snack. Because, this is also a good omega 3 supplier. Furthermore, there are fibers and proteins.
5. Avoid further stress, because that just stimulates your appetite for those unhealthy fats. You prefer to exercise. That combats stress and helps you lose weight.
6. Delete ready-to-eat cookies, pastries and the like. Prepare yourself in a healthy way now and then.
7. And finally: let junk food stand!
Want to know the more effective strategy to lose weight? CLICK HERE!

Is Intermittent Fasting Really The Best and Effective Strategy to Lose Weight?

At the time when I was almost giving up on all weight loss methods I found another product. This time I wasn’t going to try it at all – that was what crept in my mind. Because I had applied different diets rules and program to eliminate my rebound weight gain but nothing seemed to sustain the loss. So why trying this new product again? But I was completely wrong! I changed that impression when my friend came and told me about her adventure with the product. Eventually, I gave in and tried it. And, it was as they claimed it would do for me.

The truth is, while losing weight can seem impossible to you it really need not. The fact that you had tried many methods or program suggested by the “gurus”, the diet experts or even the big food companies out there doesn’t still mean you can get rid off of those fats in your body.

I have also had my shots with different program and strategies like you, and that is why I think I am in the person to recommend a method for you. But I am not going to sell you at all; I am going to let you take the informed decision yourself.

Today, and in this review of Eat Stop Eat, I am going to talk you through why intermittent fasting recommended by Brad Pilon would work for you better and faster than all other products or eBook you have bought before.

Why waiting? Think we should just get started right away? Then let’s do that ASAP…


Eat Stop Eat ... 

What Eat Stop Eat Is All About

Eat Stop Eat is a latest eBook developed by Brad Pilon (an international author and nutrition expert) with the overweight people in mind. It is part of a program designed by him to help people lose weight in the most effective and natural way. With this simple and unrivalled strategy, you don’t have to take any pill or subject yourself to any diet rules. You only need to follow simple steps which have been designed to make the process of losing weight extremely seamless for you. The idea behind Eat Stop Eat method is simple! It follows 4 non-complicated steps of intermittent fasting [IF] thus:  
1. You fast for 24 hours
2. You eat “regularly” for 48 hours
3. You fast for 24 hours
4. Rinse and repeat the steps above again.
That is all you have to do and you are rid off of those unwanted fats and rebound weight gain!
The good thing is when you start implement the principles taught in this eBook you are not only losing weight you are also helping your body to go back to its natural state of life and you are helping it to remain lean and healthier.

Why Fasting?

I know you feel like it’s odd asking you to stop eating for a pre-set period of time just because you are trying to lose weight. But, Brad was actually right; it works better and faster than any other methods known to the gurus out there. If you’re still surprised or skeptical about whether fasting will work or not, then I think I have this few explanation to buttress my point:

The Simple Answer: Why Fasting Works Better

When we eat, our body gets some new nutrients (supplied from the food). The body uses some of them and stores some fat as reserves. During a fasting, our body has no new nutrients to sustain it and so it feeds on the fat reserved in the body first. It goes, therefore, that if you remain in a fasted state for too long (and after exhausting the fat reserved in the body), when the body needs new nutrients again it goes to the fat stored in the muscle and feed on that. The question that may arise here is how long or short should a body remain in a fasted state? Enough answers are already provided to that question and other likely questions like that in the “Eat Stop Eat” eBook.

What then is the point I am trying to make in the above? Simple! The point is if you fasted for say 24 hours and when your body needs nutrients and energy it goes to the stored fat and feed on it. Doing this, the fat deposit in your body is getting reduced without using any pills or undergoing any routine exercise. Isn’t that great? I think it is. And, that is the first instance.

Another instance could be taken from calorie intake. Assume every time you eat in a day your calorie intake is 2000 (per diet). Let’s do the math: In a week of non-stop eating you would have consumed 14,000 calories diet. Wow, great!!! But that isn’t good for your body. In other words, what this implies is, you could have rid your body off of some calories if you had also fasted for one or two days in that week. So, it goes, therefore, that a day of fasting means zero calorie and two days of fasting reduced your calorie intake to two days of no calorie. Apparently, you will be burning fat naturally doing this. Isn’t that again a point enough to prove that intermittent fasting is the only method to lose weight without any side or negative effect on your health? Think about it.  

Again, you may want to Click Here Now to Download Eat Stop Eat to find out what scientific explanations Brad has to further prove that intermittent fasting works better than any method of weight loss management ever known.

Additionally, here are some of the comparative health benefits of fasting over other weight loss methods:
1.       Fasting decreases body fat and body weight.
2.       Fasting helps maintain or decrease blood glucose levels.
3.       Being in a fasting state reduces insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity.
4.       Fasting maintains skeletal muscle mass.
5.       Fasting increases glycogen levels.
6.       Fasting increases Lipolysis & fat oxidation.
7.       Fasting increases growth hormone levels.
8.       Fasting reduces food related stress.
9.       Fasting increases cellular cleansing.
10.   Fasting reduces chronic systemic inflammation.

Still Don’t Know Why You Should Trust?

Here is…..

What You Can Expect from Eat Stop Eat…

If you aren’t new to many weight loss programs or strategies you would agree with me that all preaches one thing – asking you to consume less of certain foods and consume more of others. The truth you are never told about this is, you should actually be eating less of any food when you are only told to be eating more of particular diets. I know it sounds odd to you but this is what Eat Stop Eat preaches and that is what makes it stand out from every other program, supplements, pills or products you have ever tried. And, that is what makes it the only effective strategy of all I had tried and the same explains why I would always recommend it for anyone I love.

I guess you ask why again? Okay. Here is a look into some of the unparalleled and shocking benefits you stand to get from using Eat Stop Eat weight loss method as against its competitors:  

·         Total Control over Your Hunger Hormone and Cravings
·         Increased Fat Burning hormone by 700%
·         Decreased Stress Hormone
·         Highly Improved Memory Performance  
·         Increased metabolism and energy
·         Increased Testosterone for men
·         Reduced risk of diabetes and its symptoms
·         Boost Insulin sensitivity
·         Speedy weight loss
·         Faster cellular cleansing and renewal 

My Final Verdict

Now the question is What Is All the Story About?
I know you are probably asking what is special about this product (after all it is just an eBook). In my own opinion and from my own experience, I think Eat Stop Eat is more than just an eBook. First, it preaches a lifestyle and not a diet. You would agree with me that most weight loss methods preach abstaining from particular diets. The truth is they worked – you lost weight – but the result is not consistent or only lasted for a short-term. Eat Stop Eat will prove to you that you can actually sustain the weight loss for a long-term.

Secondly, Brad Pilon is an International author and nutrition expert that literally holds, feels and tests various methods in the market and thereafter come up with his own product from the ground up in a way that will produce you what is worth to be your rock-solid everyday standby. And, that is what I believe you like every buyer will like to patronize.

Click here to Grab a copy of the eBook now! And you would come back to thank me later.

Do you enjoy my review? Will you like to share with us your own experience about weight loss program? We will be glad to hear your view.

Cheers, to your weight loss management!!!

Dieting and Diabetes

Very few people realize the profound effect that weight has on diabetes. Even instances of gestational diabetes are much greater in patients that are overweight than in those that are not. Type 2, or adult onset diabetes is more commonly found in overweight people than those that are within their 'ideal' weight ranges. In fact, almost 90% of those with Type 2 diabetes are overweight. If you are suffering from Type 2 diabetes, the best gift you could possibly give yourself just might be the gift of getting your weight under control.

Among those that suffer from Type 2 diabetes almost 40% have high blood pressure, which is another condition that is believed to be exacerbated by excess weight. Being overweight might also lead to a condition known as insulin resistance in which the body no longer responds to the insulin that is needed to assist the body in using sugar and glucose as fuel on a cellular level.

There are some things you can do to help yourself out if you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or labeled at risk for this devastating condition. First of all, take off the pounds. I know this is much easier said than done. Dieting is never easy and rarely fun for the average person. However, if you do not begin to take drastic steps toward procuring the best possible health for yourself you may not be able to enjoy the quality of life you had planned for your golden years. Let your condition be your motivation and make plans to enjoy watching your grandchildren and great grandchildren graduate college.

Fight it standing up. Don't sit down and let Diabetes control you. Stand up and take control of your body back. This is a fight to the finish and if you let it, diabetes will be your end. If you fight it standing up, lose the weight, get out there and exercise, listen to the doctor's orders and follow them. Find the strength within you to battle this disease head on. You'll be amazed at what happens when you decide to stand up and fight for your health.

Get active. Find activities that you enjoy and get out there and do them. Don't make those activities passive activities either. Even if it's just going out to play shuffleboard everyday get out there and play. Enjoy your time in the sun. Pick flowers with the little ones. Take up golf. Do whatever it takes to get up and moving each and every day in order to remember why you want to live forever in the first place.

Watch what you eat. Garbage in, garbage out, right? You have strict dietary requirements once you've been diagnosed with diabetes. This means that you absolutely must follow your dietary restrictions. Learn to live within those limits in order to live and enjoy life to the fullest you can. The amazing thing is that there are all kinds of foods available that are friendly to those with diabetes that weren't around just a few short years ago. It is quite possible to live and eat quite nicely with diabetes if you stick to your plan. The most important thing about dieting with diabetes is that you never lose sight of how crucial it is to do so.

See Also:
Eat Stop Eat Review – Is Intermittent Fasting Really The Best and Effective Strategy to Lose Weight?

Dieting for Weight Loss

The most common reason that people cite for dieting today is weight loss. While most of us would love to claim the noble mantle of dieting for health the vast majority of us are doing so for vanity. This, however, is a perfectly acceptable and plausible reason for making the lifestyle changes that are necessary in order to diet. In fact, this reason might prove to be a far greater motivator than many of the other commonly stated reasons for dieting.

When dieting for weight loss one of the most common complaints is constantly feeling hungry. In order to help combat this, you might want to incorporate some of the following strategies into your dieting program. First of all, eat more high fiber foods. Whole grains, apples, pears, and lima beans are a great source of fiber as are many breakfast cereals. Easy does it however when it comes to fiber as it may be filling but there are some unpleasant side effects that may accompany heavy fiber eating (remember that beans are a good source of fiber). Try using a product such as Bean-o when consuming larger amounts of fiber. You might also try spreading your fiber intake throughout the day rather than consuming all your daily fiber at once.

Another method for feeling fuller when dieting is to drink plenty of water while dieting. Water provides an important service to the body and is very necessary when it comes to delivering all the nutrients where they need to go. Water also helps regulate your metabolism, which is very important to the dieting and weight loss process. Additionally, water will help you skin retain its elasticity so that your skin can go more easily back into place once the serious weight loss begins.

Learn to control your portions. We live in a world where portions are over inflated and super sized so often that we no longer know what an appropriate portion looks like. Restaurant meals are quite often more than adequate for at least two full meals and that is before salads, soups, appetizers, or desserts have been ordered. Learning to portion correctly can save you from over loading your calorie intake for the day massively. It can also help you get extra helpings of the lower calorie foods such as lettuce and other vegetables rather than taking such large portions of calorie rich starches or fried foods.

Do not go "Gung Ho". There are limits to what the body and the mind can handle. When you go on a diet you are making a drastic change to your bodies caloric intake. If you go overboard you can lead to health risks along the way. Begin cutting calories a little at a time and incorporate changes as you go rather than going in with an all or nothing attitude. If you go overboard with your dieting plans chances are that you are dooming your diet to failure.

Take your diet one step at a time for the best results and be sure to incorporate extra physical activity into the mix. Even gardening when done on a regular basis can burn calories, so can cleaning the house, and playing with the little ones. Take a walk to the park or the corner store rather than getting in the car and pull a wagon or push a stroller while you're at it. The added weight will be just enough resistance to burn a few extra calories.

Dieting for weight loss does not necessarily have to be a major sacrifice on your part but in order to be successful it will be a radical change in lifestyle, particularly if you need to lose more than a few vanity pounds. The health implications of loosing the weight are well worth the required effort and should not be taken lightly no matter how excited you are about your new body that is hiding inside your old one.

See Also:
Eat Stop Eat Review – Is Intermittent Fasting Really The Best and Effective Strategy to Lose Weight?

4 Easy Health and Fitness Tips

The US has seen an enormous increase in the mumber of people considered obese by the medical community. In fact many call it an obesity epidemic. To combat this we find all sorts of pharamceutical companies selling the "quick fix" pills, powders, and lotions that do nothing to actually help people take the fat off and keep it off.

Of course the same could be said of the diet industry as well. There are so many different diets going around now you could pick one a month and in a years time still have more to choose from.

What is truely needed are some sensible proven weight loss tips that people can implement no matter what their present physical condition is. That said let's dive right in.

#1  Drink more water. All too often Americans are borderline dehydrated and so their bodies are working on the water starvation reflex and not flushing the toxins and junk out.

#2  Eat more often. I bet you thought I was going to say eat less. While it is true that to lose weight you need to eat less calories than you need to eat more often to get the metabolic furnace stoked up and burning right. Get it out of starvation mode. So start the day off with breakfast. Even an instant breakfast drink and a piece of fruit as we head out the door in the morning.

#3  Move more. Depending on your physical condition you need to be moving more. Use the stairs rather than the elevator, park farther out from the office or the store, go for a walk around the block, go dancing, play with your kids. Make it fun. Running is not the only way to burn more calories.

#4  Finally, determine  your "Why". Decide why you want to discard fat. Make your reason big enough to motivate you through the slumps that invariably happen.

Personally my reason was to be able to live to see my great grandkids graduate college. My youngest kids are 4 and 6 now. Besides I wanted to get out and play with them without being out of breath all the time.

See Also:
Eat Stop Eat Review – Is Intermittent Fasting Really The Best and Effective Strategy to Lose Weight?

Getting Around The Weight Loss Plateau

The typical human form is capable of achieving a number of incredible feats that seem to suspend or defy the way science tells us things work. Athletes, through sheer willpower, can end up lifting something that their bodies should not be able to without suffering anything worse than muscle spasms. People can adapt to extreme physical trauma caused by a car accident and defy predictions that they'll never walk again. While, in general, these amazing feats are useful in a number of situations, there are physical reactions that some people look upon with quite a bit of disfavor. Among these “disfavored reactions” is something known as a “weight loss plateau.”

Essentially, the “plateau” is a term used to describe a situation where the body has become incapable of losing any further weight, usually due to developing a tolerance for the weight loss pills and methods being used. Essentially, the plateau is hit when the body develops tolerance for the regimen's limitations and practices, thus allowing the metabolic rate of the body to adjust to whatever weight loss pills or techniques were being used. Most diet books decidedly ignore the existence of the plateau, primarily because it can be seen as negating the purpose of the diet and is, therefore, bad for marketing. There are, however, ways to counteract the human body building a tolerance for training regimens and weight loss pills.

The human metabolism, when presented with a pattern, will eventually adapt to that pattern. It is this natural adaptability of the human body that can cause the weight loss plateau, particularly if the person's diet and eating habits have been altered for weight loss. As such, changing the pattern will, once a sufficient amount of time has passed, allow your diet plan or weight loss pills to become effective again. This trick essentially involves confusing the human metabolism, and is often taken as a rather drastic way to get the body back in “diet mode.” There are, of course, several ways to effectively alter that pattern without causing the body permanent harm.

Adding strength and weight training and modifying one's exercise program can also help someone get past the plateau, in most cases. The body will still burn through nutrients during physical activity, though the digestive system's metabolic rate can adapt such that more weight is retained rather than burned during exercise. Increasing the difficulty of the exercises, or changing the movements to target less-developed muscle areas, can effectively force the body to re-adapt. While the body is busy adapting to the changes, it can also start losing weight again. This method is best used with alterations to the person's diet, however, to maximize the effectiveness.

Another trick used to circumvent the problem of the plateau is to make changes to the time frame between meals. The internal clock that the human body's digestive system operates on can be altered to suit one's purposes, provided one executes the proper alterations to one's diet and eating habits. A simple action like altering the schedule of the meals, such as adding more meals but reducing the bulk of each, can have an appreciable effect on altering the metabolic rate. The key concept of this method is to fool the body into burning the food faster, thus getting one's weight loss program and diet back on track.

When considering the options, it is helpful to keep in mind that what works for one person may not work for another person. Some slower metabolisms may require combination of diet program and exercise regimen modifications, while others can get by with merely shortening the break between meals. The critical point is to find a method that works and is effective for a specific metabolism, which can be a time-consuming process.

See Also:
Eat Stop Eat Review – Is Intermittent Fasting Really The Best and Effective Strategy to Lose Weight?

5 Tips To Losing Weight While Keeping Your Sanity

Losing weight is the goal of many individuals worldwide however there is no simple way to drop the pounds like taking a pill or simply wishing them away. Unfortunately, losing weight takes determination and commitment to a healthy diet and exercise plan and even then it takes longer than we would like to drop those extra pounds. So, what can you do to lose weight and keep your sanity? The following five tips should help you out.

Tip #1 Lower Your Expectations
If you begin an exercise or diet plan, or both, and have heard you will lose incredible amounts of weight in no time at all and then it doesn’t happen then you feel let down and won’t have the same dedication to carry on and your diet fails miserably. However, if you are more realistic to begin with and realize that most people lose 1-2 pounds per week on a healthy exercise and diet plan then you will be better informed and can expect these types of results ahead of time rather than being disappointed.

Tip #2 Don’t Tell Everyone You are Dieting
When people first start diets they tell everyone they are dieting and their great weight loss plans. However, this can frequently work against you because people will talk and judge your weight loss progress and make you feel uncomfortable, especially if you eat something others don’t believe is part of your diet plan. This will give you a complex, so simply start your diet, inform close family and friends for support, and keep your dieting to yourself and you won’t go crazy.

Tip #3 Don’t Eliminate a Food Group
Many times when you eliminate a complete food group from your diet you feel as if you are really sacrificing too much and you will simply lose your sanity and your diet will fail. On the other hand, if you eat a well balanced diet and allow yourself little treats along the way you will lose weight and keep your sanity as well.

Tip #4 Household Support
When you start a diet you need to make sure the entire household will support you in your efforts. If you are not eating sugar yet your spouse continues to come home with cookies, ice cream, and doughnuts then you will have a hard time sticking to the diet and you won’t feel much support, either, which will drive you crazy. So, make sure your entire family is ready to support you and if they choose to eat unhealthy to do it away from the home.

Tip #5 Work Out
Losing weight takes a lot of time, which can really test your sanity. However, if you include a work out routine with your diet then you will see a much quicker weight loss, have more energy, sleep better, and simply feel better about yourself. This will help you keep your sanity and stay true to your weight loss plan.

When you follow these five tips you will be able to keep your sanity while staying on your diet and exercise plan better than if you give it a try all on your own.

See Also:
Eat Stop Eat Review – Is Intermittent Fasting Really The Best and Effective Strategy to Lose Weight?

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